Hey there, my name's Kyle. First off, thanks for checking out this website/blog/portfolio or whatever form it takes on.
I've been considering something like this for a few years now but finally found the determination to actually make it happen. Foremost, I hope this site will be a space to share visual exploration and the musings that come along with it. I also aim for this to be the digital space I use to share with others, intentionally distancing myself from other social media outlets that seem to paralyze rather than stimulate my creativity.
Primarily, I photograph digitally but in the past year have grown more fond of film (currently, my favorite is a little Canon Sureshot 76zoom). I had hoped to invest in a Mamiya RB67 but faced with the rising cost of 120 film and not having an economical development and scan method, this has been delayed. However, an amazing deal on a Fujifilm GFX 50R fell into my lap and I couldn't say no! I think about photographic gear quite often and will surely dive into these more in actual posts. Moral of the story, I currently use a 50R for most of my photography. I first used a Fujifilm X-T2 in 2019 and have been an unabashed fan of them since. A goal of mine is to one day partner with Fuji/be an ambassador for them.
I grew up in the states, spending much of my life near the Rockies. In 2023, I moved north to Alberta where my wife and I currently reside.
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